Klaipeda Chamber of Commerce CEO Viktoras Krolis and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce in Ireland CEO Antanas Gedivlas

Klaipėda Chamber of Commerce director general Viktoras Krolis and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce in Ireland Chief Executive Officer Antanas Gedvilas  

Meeting with Klaipėdos prekybos, pramonės ir amatų rūmai – Klaipėda Chamber of Commerce CEO Viktoras Krolis and foreign communications coordinator Lina Kavaliauskiene. It’s nice to get such a positive attitude to business connection between Lithuanian and Irish ports cities. We have agreed on the visit of Klaipėda representatives to Ireland, and we are planning to implement common exhibitions and promote in Ireland in the trade of Klaipėda city and its counties and the realisation of. We are looking forward to this excellent team in Dublin, which we hope to see yet this year.



Klaipeda Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (KCCIC) consolidates more than 230 members among which – the biggest companies of the region and representatives of small and medium-size businesses. The Chamber also represents interests of entrepreneurs and business development objectives in Klaipeda and Taurage regions.